Allons-y !

My name is Charlotte and I’m an English 15 year old girl living in France. I enjoy lots of things like baking, drawing, painting, doing hair, etc. and I’m a huge fan (….fangirl) of Doctor Who, Sherlock, Merlin, Being Human and all those cool TV programs, Muse and all good rock music, Assassin’s Creed on xbox…


On that note :             

11 thoughts on “Allons-y !

  1. Dear Lolly,
    Your blog makes me hungry.
    And HOLY COW ON A CRACKER you live in France too? Where? Oh crud now I sound creepy, sorry ’bout that.
    Also, I love Doctor Who, Sherlock and Merlin! We get British TV so I can still watch all of them :3 David Tennant will always and forever be my favorite doctor ;)
    Anywho, super glad you found my blog!
    Yours sincerely,
    The Mostly Confused Teenager.

    • Hey, um Confused Teenager! (should I be calling you this? hello confused person? i suppose you could say that I’m the same really ^^)
      Thank you, I will send you a cyber-cupcake if you feel peckish as it’s past 11 o’clock…
      Don’t worry about it I don’t find it creepy x) I was overjoyed at discovering your blog, especially your post about (dare I say it?) ….school. Oh god it feels good to moan. Sorry about that though. Do not feel under any obligation to reply for my very (very) long comment(s). I’m quite famous for writing very long texts/getting carried away/rambling. Sorry. Anyway, I live in a teeny village called Nordheim, near Strasbourg where i go to school, in Alsace. Born and bred here my my two English parents. What about you? When did you come to France?
      We also have Freesat so we cal watch all the essential programs (OMGOMGOMGSHERLOCKSERIES3ANDDOCTORWHO50THANNIVERSERAYALLINSUCHASHORTSPACEOFTIME) (good luck trying to read that) (my oh my Gods look like OM-gom-gom which I find amusing)
      Tennant was my first and favourite Doctor. I haven’t watched many of the old series (you know, tinfoil cybermen, and all that jazz), I just haven’t been able to get really interested in it.
      Well there goes my early night…
      Have a nice evening :)

      • You can call me CT for short! I’m not giving my name out because although I’m pretty liberal with details of my personal life on my blog, we have this thing at school where we sometimes google each others names to see what will come up, and well I don’t want The Mostly Confused Teenager to pop up. (Wow that was a long sentence) It’s sort of like my safe space, I can write about unicorn poop if I want and I won’t be “that girl who wrote about unicorn poop” to everyone I know :3
        Wow you live in Alsace that’s so cool! I was born in Paris but I moved to San Francisco when I was 2 months old. I came back to France (Normandy) when I was 6 and although I’ve been here ever since I only started going to school in Paris 3 years ago.
        I started watching when it came back in 2005 with Christopher Eccleston. My dad is always trying to get me to watch the old Tom Baker ones but like you I can’t seem to find an interest. I prefer ALLONS-Y ALONZO x)
        Anywho, I am an expert rambler so don’t worry about it :)
        Bonne soirée/nuit/crap it’s already 3 am!!

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